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Center for Holistic Care, PLLC

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Anatomy 101

Tai Chi Massage

Effortless, Deep, Relaxing, Lasting

What is Esomassage?
(Known as Tai Chi Massage in Europe)

Esomassage is a word comprised of Eso (Latin for inside or within), Soma (Latin for body) and Massage. It is our belief that all our past experiences are stored “within the body”.

Esomassage is a new form of massage, born through the union of Tai Chi, Martial Arts and Massage. The principles of structure, balance, movement, grounding and force vector application, the foundations of tai chi, have long been known as the fundamentals most sought after for massage practitioners worldwide. Many massage schools include some class time to introduce tai chi as a means of learning how to use the body in ways that will prevent fatigue and injury to the therapist while assuring the client receives the best treatment possible. Few therapists truly realize the importance of proper structure and the principles of movement and therefore rarely ever seek the additional training needed from a qualified instructor.
Save your hands, save your back, give more to your clients with far less effort than conventional massage. ! In Europe this modality is known as “Tai Chi Massage” – effortless massage therapy.  We believe it is the BODY that holds life’s trauma, physically, mentally and emotionally. Using the techniques of Esomassage, therapists can attain deeper, long-lasting results holistically, supporting their client’s health and well-being… effortlessly!

The Principles of any system act as the glue holding the tactics, techniques and applications together. Without a full understanding of these subtle concepts, a massage method becomes a group of pre-defined movements, void of any true continuity. Esomassage has a well defined philosophy that binds the resulting techniques to create a remarkably well formed healing art. 

To Move is to Live!

A Tai Chi Massage therapist does not work on you, but with you to allow change. Turn off the mind and become one with the feelings of touch. This is accomplished  through the use of the breath, vocal sounds and subtle movement. The body/mind becomes the connection to become clear and free. The long, full-body strokes integrate and connect all the parts to become whole. Everything is connected.

Tai Chi means "the Great Ultimate". Tai Chi Massage is NOT just a massage, but a holistic therapy to invite change - body, mind and emotions. Why have just a massage when you can have the benefits that come with the freedom of acceptance.

Through meaningful conversation prior to the work, a body/mind connection takes place. The session is built upon "how you truly want to feel" at the completion of the session.

As a Client of 

Tai Chi Massage can be performed by anyone who enjoys connecting with other people in healthy way that brings joy and balance into their lives. Massage therapists and physiotherapists will enjoy adding a new dimension to their work.  

Esomassage uses the techniques and principles of Tai Chi to provide powerful manipulations of the soft tissue with little effort.  In the end, you leave with the results you came for: the ease of pain, increased functionality and feelings of calmness, harmony and balance.

You WILL feel a lasting difference between an Esomassage and what you have received from other massage therapists. The most important information we get from you is “how you want to feel at the end of the session”. We always work with your specific goal that manifests through discussing your health history, listening to your desires and needs and customizing a personalized treatment plan that meets your desired end-of-session goal.

As a Holistic Massage and Bodywork Clinic, we consider the mind, body and emotions to be interconnected in such a way that there is always a physiological response to what we think and how we feel. Everything is connected! For this reason, virtually all Esomassage treatments are full-body and begin with conversation about how you feel about yourself in relation to your social network. There are times when a specific area may need concentrated focus; however, a follow-up session is usually suggested to integrate the body. 

People may never remember what you said, but they will always remember how you helped them feel!

Connect with your TRUE self through the power and flow of Tai Chi Massage. The yin and yang energies will flow through your body like the waves of the ocean. Accept the invitation to be free from the troubles of the mind, to be the person you truly want to become - NOW!


Tai Chi massage was designed by Tai Chi Master Martin to create a bridge that connects the mind, body and emotions. It is now believed by science that the body IS the mind! By working together through a mutual energy connection, the body/mind is able to let go of past issues and live in the present moment. This becomes the beginning of the creation of the "new you".


What Clients Say About Esomassage 

"The encounter with Joe last summer was one of these events one never forgets, simple and straight. The gentle touch of hands and mind has opened a door for which I was looking for a very long time, and in spite of all the teachers and healers I saw passing by in all the years of inner search Joe could tell without reservation what he believed and what to do about it. The combination of several techniques and the gentle, open and spontaneous wisdom is what makes the 'touch' strong. Thank you Joe." Wendy - Belgium

"I have never experienced a massage like this before. It was more than I could have wished for. Thank you!” Nina

“It was a pleasant surprise to feel the amazing effects of this massage for days, not only hours.”  Elizabeth

“After the massage, I feel for the first time in a long time that everything is in its proper place.” Monika

“Today I was spoiled by a massage where  hands felt firm and heavy and at the same time soft and sensitive. It was like the hands of god were touching me.” Laila

“A remarkable experience. A physical conversion. Traveling through old memories. Discovering the New.” Daniela

“At the start of each massage session, when Joe first places his hand on me, I feel such relief, like I'm going to be nurtured. I recognize that I felt tense and fatigued, until his techniques bring new life to my body. His touch is truly rejuvenating!“ Amy - Cornelius, NC

“Since beginning sessions, Joe's unique treatments leave me feeling totally relaxed and peaceful.  The tension and stress in my muscles has improved tremendously as well as noticing calmer relationship with family and friends.  I leave each one-hour session as if I've been on a week’s vacation.” Kim – New Jersey

"I have been receiving massages for years at certain spas and resorts, due to a lot of tension with work and not to mention; I just love to be pampered.  I guess I was having a bad week, because my fiancé scheduled me a massage at CHI.  I was very skeptical and expected this to be a one-time visit experience.  Was I surprised in all my many sessions of the past, no one had asked me about how I wanted to feel after my massage, about my total well-being and the reason for wanting massage therapy.  Joe Martin has taken the extra time in getting to know me with respect; truly caring about my body.  Since beginning sessions, Joe's professional treatments leave me feeling totally relaxed and peaceful.  The tension and stress in my muscles has improved tremendously as well as noticing calmer relationship with family and friends.  I leave each one-hour session as if I've been on a weeks vacation.  My motivation to eat healthier is attributed to Joe's competent treatment.  I think anyone who has considered a massage should give this family owned facility a try.  Every staff member I have met have been extremely friendly, professional and caring.  Thank you Joe for giving me the best massage therapy, I look forward to continue my treatment with you."


What Therapists say about Esomassage

"This was the most valuable class EVER!"

"This course has really given me the confidence to take my massage to the next level."

"My massage practice will never be the same. Thanks."

"This Course will really change things for me."

"Excellent course! Benefits client and therapist to take Esomassage I & II. The effectiveness of Esomassage will make clients return for more bodywork."

"Esomassage is the first class I've actually looked forward to attending."

"I will be taking more of Joe's classes. The knowledge he has given me is priceless. My clients and myself will benefit tremendously."

"I had decided this was to be the last time I renewed my license. I was SO burned out and had lost my love for massage. Joe has restored that, and more. Frankly, I feel like I just got started and I'm excited to keep learning. I won't take classes anywhere else!"

"Finely, a workshop with stuff I can use, not just a bunch of "fluff"".

"A lot of great, useable techniques and information!! Thanks Joe for a great class - I'll be back!"

"Thanks so much for today!  I learned a lot and it was very helpful!  You are an awesome instructor and I will be back very soon!"

"Lots of hands on. I loved it!"

"I feel everything that has been introduced and learned by me from this class will be very beneficial in my practice."

"Excellent course. Very useful material for therapist and client enhancement. The class flew by; very interesting and interactive."

"The instructor was very patient and went beyond to make sure that I understood and could perform the techniques."


About Joe N. Martin


Developer of Esomassage

bulletGraduate of The Therapeutic Massage Training Institute 
bulletCertified full instructor by Healing Tao/Universal Tao. This is the system developed by Mantak Chia.
bulletCertified Tai Chi, Qi Gong Instructor
bulletCertified Structural Integration Practitioner 
bulletCertified Charka Technician by the World Institute of Technologies for Healing, a.i.s.b.l.
bulletRecognition from the Tree of Light Institute, Inc. for the Body System’s Approach To Natural Healing
bulletTouch for Health I – IV – Certified by the International Kinesiology College (IKC)
bulletProfessional Kinesiology Practice (PKP) Level I 
bulletReiki Level II
bulletFounder of Esoma Kungfu
bulletAwarded “Grand Master of the Year” for 2004 by the World Head of Family Sokeship Council, International Martial Arts Achievement Awards
bulletPresident of the ESOMA Society Of Martial Arts
bulletCo-Founder of the Center for Holistic Instruction, PLLC
bulletProfessional Member of the National Qigong Association
bulletMember of the American Chinese Chi Gong Acupressure Association

Specialized Training in:

bulletMAT by Erik Dalton
bulletTrigger Point Therapy
bulletMovement Therapy
bulletThe Berry Method® of Corrective Massage
bulletChi Nei Tsang Chinese Abdominal Massage
bulletThe MyoKinesthetic System
bulletHot Stone Therapy
bulletStructural Integration
bulletLomi Lomi

Touch for Health


Tai Chi



Here's a list of influential teachers who have shared secrets with Grandmaster Martin:


More about Joe Martin

Take a look at the hand positions (tools) used in Esomassage

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