George J
Goodheart, Jr.
In 1964, Dr. Goodheart made the first correlation between finding a weak muscle and
making it stronger. Since then he has looked beyond the chiropractic profession to the
fields of medicine, osteopathy, acupuncture, dentistry, nutrition, biochemistry, etc.. for
methods to increase the health and well being of the patient based on using the body as a
diagnostic tool. From the beginning, Goodheart spoke of this approach to health care as
involving three components, what he called the Triad of Health. They are the Structural,
the Chemical, and the Psychological factors.
He has a unique way of looking at a problem and asking "Why?". This has allowed
him to correlate many different types of examination and treatment procedures into a
unified method of examining and then treating many difficult patient's.
Today, he still works in his office and lectures many week-ends of the year. He travels
from Europe to Japan and lectures throughout the United States. He produces a monthly
research tape as well as a yearly manual on the latest findings in Applied Kinesiology.
"If a muscle, tendon, skin or fascia becomes tightened in one area it can result
in problems in other, even remote areas of the body. This tightness can result in loss of
motion, contracture, loss of strength, abnormalities in sensation and pain. "
Dr Goodheart uses the following analogy:
If someone pulls down hard on the left side of the shirt you are wearing, it makes it more
difficult for you to raise your left arm. Treating your left arm would do little to
relieve the decreased range of motion of your arm as long as the tension is exerted on
your shirt. Loosening the tension on your shirt hem, however, does effectively produce a
marked increase in the range of motion of your left arm because you are getting to the
cause of the problem and fixing it.
Dr Goodheart further adds that scars can also cause alterations of nerves, lymph, blood
and nutrient flow not only to the scar, but also to remote areas of the body.