
Title Description of Contents
50% can't be wrong 50% can't be wrong - Chiropractic is becoming more and more popular, because it works.
A Twitch Away BACK RELIEF - A TWITCH AWAY: Soothe aching muscles. He should try chiropractic help.
Academic Publishing How will academic publishing be defined in the next decade?
AHA American Heart Association - 71st Scientific Sessions - November 8-11, 1998
All Natural Links Links to World Wide Web Health Sites - Lots of great sites!
Alternative Medicine In the recent (August) issue of "Texas Medicine" published by the Texas Medical Assn. there were three interesting articles on "alternative medicine" that I thought you may find interesting
AMA Neuro AMA Neurology articles - very interesting
Articles of Interest Chiro Neuro Articles of Interest
Back Letter Lippincott Williams & Wilkins (LWW) to the Medscape Publishers' Circle with the addition of seven new newsletters that have research in fields that range from orthopedics to telemedicine.
Biomednews The high-quality scientific reports cover a wide selection of
neuroscience topics, and highlights.- Spinal Cord Patients Walk - spinal cord may have some capacity to learn independently from the brain.
Brain Implants for Pain! I can think of a better way -- ouch!
Case Studies Some nice case studies
CDC Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Home Page - Very complete stats, reports, etc.
Chiro News Search by keyword on Chiro News
ChiroNeuro News Source ChiroNeuro News Sources
Chiropractic Mechanisms Proposed Mechanisms of Actions for Chiropractic Adjustments
ChiroWeb Type in 'Neurology' -- from ChiroWeb
ChiroZine Chiro Org's ChiroZine - check it out - its up todate
CNN Health CNN Daily Health Articles
College of Surgeons Statement on Interprofessional Relations with Doctors of Chiropractic
Cortical Layers Cortical Layers Essay
*Cost Effectiveness Cost-Effectiveness and Safety of Chiropractic Care: Some Studies
Dentate Ligament Dentate Ligament - Cord Distortion Hypothesis -John D. Grostic, D.C., F.I.C.R.- Director Of Research - Sid E. Williams Research Center - Life Chiropractic College
Differential Diagnosis Approaches To Differential Diagnosis In Musculoskeletal Imaging
Doctors Guide Doctor's Guide - Search for Articles - Very nice
Drug Problem A medical report in 1998 estimated that adverse reactions to prescription drugs are killing about 106,000 Americans each year-- roughly three times as many as are killed by automobiles
Dynamic Chiro Dynamic Chiropractic NOW ONLINE
EID Emerging Infectious Diseases Articles - What will be the next big virus killer. National Center for Infectious Diseases Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Electrodiagnostics Establishing medical necessity for Electrodiagnostics
Eurekalert Good way to keep up on the latest medical neurology news.. Four stars
Galaxy Galaxy's Articles on Chiropractic
Health Guide Snap! Guide to better health - a complete set of links and articles to keep the chironeuro up-to-date.
Healthcare News Articles Healthcare News Articles
ICPA The ICPA posts a collection of articles and studies from the emerging field of medical research known as psychoneuroimmunology. Includes information about the relationship between neuroimmunology and chiropractics.
Internal Medicine Congruence between Decisions To Initiate Chiropractic Spinal Manipulation for Low Back Pain and Appropriateness Criteria in North America
Internet Medicine Lippincott Williams & Wilkins (LWW) to the Medscape Publishers' Circle with the addition of seven new newsletters that have research in fields that range from orthopedics to telemedicine.
JAMA JAMA Oct 98 issue is dedicated to Alternative Medicine
JAMA - Women The Journal of the American Medical Association brings peer-reviewed resources to women's health. . A "Library" feature seeks to identify the most important articles relevant to the treatment of women patients.
Low Back - Opinion The Prognosis of Low Back Pain in General Practice --An opinion piece regarding:
Low Back Pain The Prognosis of Low Back Pain in General Practice
Low Back Pain Low Back Pain - what causes it?
Low Back Pain in GP You may like this recent paper "Outcome of Low Back Pain in General Practice: A Prospective Study" from BMJ 1998; 316: 1356-1359
Mainstream Chiropractic is going mainstream
Manga Report A Study to Examine the Effectiveness and Cost-Effectiveness of Chiropractic Management of Low-Back Pain
Manga Report II Manga Report II
MedHunt Health On the Net Foundation's - Search the internet for medical resources
Medical Books Online Over 7,000 plus books online for your review, complete text and a lot of medical text. This list should grow over the coming months for the Chiromates
Medical Breakthroughs Medical Breakthroughs
Medical Publications Medscape's Medical Publications - over 50,000 online
MedicineNet MedicineNet Articles - from A to Z
Medscape Medscape - The online resource
Mind Body Connection The Mind-BODY Connection: Granny Was Right, After All
Mind-Body Interaction The Mind-Body Interaction in Disease - Review of Scientific American Special Issue by Dr. F.O. Pederick. Reprint from The Australian Chiropractor.
Model for Brain A New Model for the Brain? By Dr. F.O. Pederick Reprint from The Australian Chiropractor
Natl Library of Medicine National Library of Medicine Health Services Database
Neurogenic Inflammation Neurogenic Inflammation Archive
NeuroPractice Lippincott Williams & Wilkins (LWW) to the Medscape Publishers' Circle with the addition of seven new newsletters that have research in fields that range from orthopedics to telemedicine.
NeuroSciences Articles NeuroSciences Articles - We are located in this database
Neurotransmitter Neurotransmitter Systems by Jeffrey L. Clothier, MD
Not so alternative Chiropractic - Not So Alternative
OnHealth OnHealth Articles about Alternative Medicine and what works - The medical establishment is paying attention at last: Researchers are discovering how many people are using alternative medicine and which Chinese herbal treatments really seem to work.
Online Chiro News Online Chiropractic News
Paresthesias: Paresthesias: A Practical Diagnostic Approach
Perivascular Nerve Fibres The change in blood flow due to the influence of the perivascular nerve fibres over endothelium dependent relaxation, and its potential significant contribution to artherosclerosis & hypertension
Pet Chiropractic Now Fido gets come chiropractic help
Post Polio Fatigue The Neuroanatomy of Post-Polio Fatigue
Pregnancy Effects Effects of Pregnancy on Cranial Structure by Dr. F.O. Pederick. Reprint from The Australian Chiropractor.
Psychoneuroimmunology Psychoneuroimmunology - nervous system is capable of modulating the immune response
Quiz Can you pass the chiropractor quiz?
Rehabilitation Monographs Rehabilitation Monographs from Dr. Schafer's
SciCentral Click on Health Sciences - nice collection of sites for your articles
Seaman Articles Five SUBLUXATION AND NEUROLOGY ARTICLES articles by Dr. Seaman
Shoulder Pain Comparison of physiotherapy, manipulation, and corticosteroid injection for treating shoulder complaints in general practice: randomised, single blind study
Spinal Cord Stimulation Spinal-cord stimulation relieves angina pain in those unsuited for coronary bypass
Spinal Manipulation Spinal manipulation: How did it get so accepted?
Sports Medicine Digest Lippincott Williams & Wilkins (LWW) to the Medscape Publishers' Circle with the addition of seven new newsletters that have research in fields that range from orthopedics to telemedicine.
Strategic Orthopaedics Lippincott Williams & Wilkins (LWW) to the Medscape Publishers' Circle with the addition of seven new newsletters that have research in fields that range from orthopedics to telemedicine.
Stroke and Exercise Stroke and the effects of exercise
Subluxation & Nervous System How Does Subluxation Affect the Nervous System?
Telemedicine and Virtual Reality Lippincott Williams & Wilkins (LWW) to the Medscape Publishers' Circle with the addition of seven new newsletters that have research in fields that range from orthopedics to telemedicine.
The Joint Letter Lippincott Williams & Wilkins (LWW) to the Medscape Publishers' Circle with the addition of seven new newsletters that have research in fields that range from orthopedics to telemedicine.
Thrive Online Thrive Online - Posture articles
Time Time has a set of links and articles that are related to the latest information regarding healthcare
USATODAY Articles USATODAY - Health Articles - Ck out Health Care - Chiropractors
World News News from around the world - collected by ChiroWeb
Your Daily Health Your Daily Health Timely, in-depth articles on a variety of health news topics, written for general readers and health professionals. Our newspartners include the authoritative


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Copyright © 1999 Joe Martin. All rights reserved.
Revised: June 16, 2011.

