Associate Instructor for Esoma Kungfu

Requirements for Associate Instructor for Esoma Kungfu

bullet Pass Red Sash Test
bullet Attend Associate Instructor workshop
bullet Pass test for teaching material for Yellow and Orange requirements
bullet Attend a minimum of 4 hours classes at the Headquarters school under the direction of a master instructor
bullet Teach 8 hours at the Headquarters school under the direction of a certified instructor


Yellow Sash Teaching Aid




bullet Corkscrew Punch
bullet Backfist Strike
bullet Knifehand Strike
bullet Female Punch
bullet Inverted Ridgehand Strike
bullet Leopard Strike
bullet Double Push
bullet Knife strike (up)
bullet Trapping Block
bullet Wing Block
bullet Iron Forearm Block
bullet Dragon’s Tail Block
bullet Sword Block
bullet Shield Block
bullet Push Block
bullet Knife Block


bullet Cat Stance
bullet Horse Stance
bullet Bow & Arrow Stance
bullet Forward Stance
bullet Hook Stance
bullet Crane Stance
bullet Back Bow & Arrow Stance
bullet Half Split Stance
bullet Back Stance
bullet Tiger Stance
bullet Front Snap Kick
bullet Roundhouse Kick
bullet Back Kick
bullet Side Thrust Kick
bullet Spinning Back Kick
bullet Side Snap Kick



  1. Cat Stance - Teach this first in the form of introducing the bow to the student. Later provide specifics on the usage of the stance for defense and offence.
  2. Horse Stance
    1. Structure -Position of feet, knees, sacrum, spine, etc
    2. Width and depth
    3. Screwing into the earth
    4. Usage
      1. Offense
      2. Defense
    5. Anything that is unique to this stance
  3. Bow & Arrow Stance
    1. Structure -Position of feet, knees, sacrum, spine, etc
    2. Width and depth
    3. Screwing into the earth
    4. Usage
      1. Offense
      2. Defense
    5. Anything that is unique to this stance
  4. Forward Stance
    1. Structure -Position of feet, knees, sacrum, spine, etc
    2. Width and depth
    3. Screwing into the earth
    4. Usage
      1. Offense
      2. Defense
    5. Anything that is unique to this stance
  5. Hook Stance
    1. Structure -Position of feet, knees, sacrum, spine, etc
    2. Width and depth
    3. Screwing into the earth
    4. Usage
      1. Offense
      2. Defense
    5. Anything that is unique to this stance
  6. Crane Stance
    1. Structure -Position of feet, knees, sacrum, spine, etc
    2. Width and depth
    3. Screwing into the earth
    4. Usage
      1. Offense
      2. Defense
    5. Anything that is unique to this stance
  7. Back Bow & Arrow Stance
    1. Structure -Position of feet, knees, sacrum, spine, etc
    2. Width and depth
    3. Screwing into the earth
    4. Usage
      1. Offense
      2. Defense
    5. Anything that is unique to this stance
  8. Half Split Stance
    1. Structure -Position of feet, knees, sacrum, spine, etc
    2. Width and depth
    3. Screwing into the earth
    4. Usage
      1. Offense
      2. Defense
    5. Anything that is unique to this stance
  9. Back Stance
    1. Structure -Position of feet, knees, sacrum, spine, etc
    2. Width and depth
    3. Screwing into the earth
    4. Usage
      1. Offense
      2. Defense
    5. Anything that is unique to this stance
  10. Tiger Stance
    1. Structure -Position of feet, knees, sacrum, spine, etc
    2. Width and depth
    3. Screwing into the earth
    4. Usage
      1. Offense
      2. Defense
    5. Anything that is unique to this stance



  11. Corkscrew Punch
    1. Proper Fist
    2. Striking surface
    3. Linear Pulls
    4. Shoulder position
    5. Usage
  12. Backfist Strike
    1. Proper Fist - Flex the wrist
    2. Striking surface
    3. Lateral Pulls
    4. Lead with the elbows
    5. Start with both hands to the side - simultaneously
      1. Later from back stance to forward stance
    6. Usage
  13. Knifehand Strike
    1. Proper Hand Position - Flex the wrist
    2. Striking surface
    3. Strike directions
      1. Down
      2. Up
      3. Side - Palm Down
      4. Front - Palm Up
    4. Lead with the elbows
    5. Later from forward to horse as in the attacking set using the waist - circle arms
    6. Usage
  14. Female Punch
    1. Proper Fist
    2. Striking surface
    3. Linear Pulls
    4. Shoulder position - later show from bow & arrow with waist twisting
    5. Usage
  15. Inverted Ridgehand Strike
    1. Proper Hand Position - Flex the wrist
    2. Striking surface
    3. Lateral Pulls
    4. Lead with the elbows
    5. Start with both hands to the side - simultaneously
      1. Later from back stance to forward stance
    6. Usage
  16. Leopard Strike
    1. Proper Fist
    2. Striking surface
    3. Linear Pulls
    4. Shoulder position
    5. Usage
  17. Double Push
    1. Uprooting
    2. Arms vs. Body
    3. Usage



  18. Trapping Block
    1. Snakes twists out - both hands
    2. Path of block
    3. Blocking surface
    4. Usage
    5. Stepping back into cat stance
    6. Wrist held by partner
  19. Wing Block
    1. Path of block
    2. Blocking surface
    3. Usage
    4. Twisting into hook stance
    5. Wrist held by partner
  20. Iron Forearm Block
    1. Path of block
    2. Blocking surface
    3. Usage
    4. Stepping into horse stance
    5. Wrist held by partner
  21. Dragon’s Tail Block
    1. Path of block
    2. Blocking surface
    3. Usage
    4. Stepping back into back stance
    5. Wrist held by partner
  22. Sword Block
    1. Path of block
    2. Blocking surface
    3. Usage
    4. Stepping forward into forward stance
    5. Wrist held by partner
  23. Shield Block
    1. Path of block
    2. Blocking surface
    3. Usage
    4. Stepping back into back stance
    5. Wrist held by partner
  24. Push Block
    1. Path of block
    2. Blocking surface
    3. Usage
    4. Twisting into hook stance plus stepping back into a back stance
    5. Wrist held by partner
  25. Knife Block
    1. Path of block
    2. Blocking surface
    3. Usage
    4. Twisting into hook stance
    5. Wrist held by partner

    *Don't forget to emphasize the opposite hand and the need for pulls



  26. Front Snap Kick
    1. Striking surface
    2. Articulation of joints
    3. Supporting leg
    4. Define a "snap"
    5. Usage
    6. Standing position - kick
    7. Cat stance - kick with front leg
    8. Forward stance - kick with back leg
  27. Roundhouse Kick
    1. Striking surface
    2. Articulation of joints
    3. Supporting leg
    4. Usage
    5. Horse stance - kick with front leg
    6. Horse stance - kick with back leg
  28. Back Kick
    1. Striking surface
    2. Articulation of joints
    3. Supporting leg
    4. Usage
  29. Side Thrust Kick
    1. Striking surface
    2. Articulation of joints
    3. Supporting leg
    4. Usage
    5. Horse stance - kick with front leg
    6. Horse stance - kick with back leg
  30. Spinning Back Kick
    1. Striking surface
    2. Articulation of joints
    3. Supporting leg
    4. Usage
    5. Horse stance - kick with back leg
      1. Shift
      2. Twist
      3. Look
      4. Kick
  31. Side Snap Kick
    1. Striking surface
    2. Articulation of joints
    3. Supporting leg
    4. Define a "snap"
    5. Usage
    6. Standing position - kick to each side
    7. Cat stance - kick with front leg to opponent's knee
    8. Horse stance - kick with front leg


    Each of the techniques are applied by the attacker holding both arms in front at the wrist

    Left BACK Stance (12:00) w/ Left KNIFE Block - Right FORWARD Stance w/ Right CORKSCREW Punch

    Right CAT Stance (12:00) w/ Right TRAP Block - Right FORWARD Stance w/ Right INV. RIDGEHAND Strike

    Left FORWARD Stance (12:00) w/ Right SWORD Block - Left HORSE Stance w/ Left KNIFEHAND Strike

    Right HOOK Stance (12:00) w/ Right WING Block - Right FORWARD Stance w/ DOUBLE PUSH

    Right CAT Stance (12:00) w/ Right PUSH Block - Right BACK BOW&ARROW Stance w/ Right KNIFEHAND Strike (Up)

    Right HORSE Stance (12:00) w/ Right IRON FOREARM Block - Right BOW&ARROW Stance w/ Right BACKFIST Strike

    Left BACK Stance (12:00) w/ Left DRAGON'S TAIL Block - Left FORWARD Stance w/ Right LEOPARD Strike

    Left HOOK Stance (12:00) w/ Left SHIELD Block - Right HORSE Stance w/ Right FEMALE Punch


    Stance Form

    Blocking Set

    Attacking Set

    Kicking Set

    Orange Sash Teaching Aid


  32. EAGLE'S CLAW Block
    1. Path of block
    2. Blocking surface
    3. Usage
    4. Stepping back to back stance
    5. Wrist held by partner
  33. "X" CRANE'S WRIST Block
    1. Path of block
    2. Blocking surface
    3. Usage
    4. Stepping back to cat stance
    5. Wrist held by partner
    1. Path of block
    2. Blocking surface
    3. Usage
    4. Stepping forward to cat stance
    5. Wrist held by partner


    1. Proper Fist
    2. Striking surface
    3. Long range lateral pulls
    4. Shoulder position - with waist twisting
    5. Usage
    1. Proper Fist
    2. Striking surface
    3. Long range Linear pulls
    4. Shoulder position - with waist twisting
    5. Usage
    1. Proper hand position
    2. Striking surface
    3. Long range lateral pulls
    4. Shoulder position
    5. Usage
  38. CRANE'S BEAK Strike
    1. Proper hand position
    2. Striking surface
    3. Whipping action - loose wrist
    4. Usage
  39. SNAKE Strike
    1. Proper hand position
    2. Striking surface
    3. Whipping action - loose wrist
    4. Shoulder position
    5. Usage
  40. PALM Strike
    1. Proper hand position
    2. Striking surface
    3. Linear pulls
    4. Shoulder position
    5. Usage


    1. Striking surface
    2. Articulation of joints
    3. Supporting leg
    4. Usage
    5. Horse stance - sweep with back leg
      1. Shift
      2. Drop
      3. Twist
      4. Sweep
    1. Striking surface
    2. Articulation of joints
    3. Supporting leg
    4. Usage
    5. Horse stance - sweep with back leg
      1. Shift
      2. Drop
      3. Twist
    6. Sweep
    1. Striking surface
    2. Articulation of joints
    3. Supporting leg
    4. Usage
    5. Standing position - kick to the front - above the waist
    6. Forward stance- kick to the front - above the waist
    1. Striking surface
    2. Articulation of joints
    3. Supporting leg
    4. Usage
    5. Standing position - First with straight leg, then bent leg with snap
    6. Forward stance - First with straight leg, then bent leg with snap
    7. Cat stance - Bent leg, with snap


    Ma Din Kuen I Form (Developed by Grandmaster Martin)


    Basic Snake Form (Developed by Shihan Stover)




    ATTACK: From Right CAT Stance (ready position)…
    DEFENSE: From Left CAT Stance step to Left FORWARD Stance (12:00)
    Left TRAPPING Block w/Right FEMALE Punch (to chin)

    ATTACK: Step to Left FORWARD Stance w/ Right PALM Strike (to Solar Plexus)
    DEFENSE: Move Left foot to 6:00 into Left HOOK Stance (12:00) w/ Left WING Block
    Step to Left FORWARD Stance (12:00) DOUBLE PUSH

    ATTACK: Step into Left FORWARD Stance w/ Right CORKSCREW Punch (to Solar Plexus)
    DEFENSE: Left BOW & ARROW Stance (9:00) w/ Right KNIFE Block
    Right BOW & ARROW Stance (3:00) w/ Left FEMALE Punch

    ATTACK: From Left BACK Stance - Right SIDE THRUST Kick (to Solar Plexus)
    DEFENSE: Right BACK BOW & ARROW Stance (12:00) w/ Right DRAGON’S TAIL
    Right BOW & ARROW Stance (12:00) w/ Right BACKFIST (to Temple)

    ATTACK: From Left BACK Stance (12:00) - Right ROUNDHOUSE Kick (to Head)
    DEFENSE: From Left BACK Stance (12:00) Shift into Left FORWARD Stance w/
    Right SWORD Block (12:00) - Left SIDE THRUST Kick to (to Solar Plexus)
    End in Left HORSE Stance

    ATTACK: Step forward into Left FORWARD Stance w/ Right Haymaker (to Head)
    DEFENSE: Step back to Left BACK Stance (12:00) w/ Left SHIELD Block - Shift into Left FORWARD Stance (12:00) w/ Right CORKSCREW Punch (to Solar Plexus)

    ATTACK: Step to Right FORWARD Stance w/ Left FEMALE PUNCH (to Lower Abdomen)
    DEFENSE: Move Right foot to 3:00 into Left CAT Stance (9:00) w/ Right WING Block Right INVERTED RIDGE HAND (to Nose)

    ATTACK: Step forward into Right FORWARD Stance w/ Left Haymaker (to Head)
    DEFENSE: From standing position, step into Left BOW & ARROW Stance (9:00) w/ Right KNIFE Block - Right ROUNDHOUSE Kick (to ribs) - Finish in Right CAT Stance

    ATTACK: From Left HORSE Stance - Right SPINNING BACK Kick (to Solar Plexus)
     DEFENSE: From Right HORSE Stance (12:00) Step back to Right REVERSE HOOK Stance (12:00) w/ Right DRAGON'S TAIL Block Turn counter clockwise on Right foot to Left HORSE Stance w/ Left KNIFEHAND Strike (Palm down) (to Solar Plexus)

    DEFENSE: Right CAT (12:00) w/ Right KNIFE Block, Left KNIFE Block, Right REVERSE CRECENT (to Ribs) Right HORSE (12:00) w/ Right LEOPARD Strike (to Throat)

    ATTACK: Step to Left FORWARD Stance w/ Right HAYMAKER (to Head)
    DEFENSE: Step Forward into Right CAT (12:00) w/ Right REVERSE DRAGON Block Right Backfist (to Temple)
    Right Forward Stance (12:00) w/ Left Female Punch (to Solar Plexus)

    ATTACK: From Right HORSE Stance - Left SPINNING BACK Kick (to Solar Plexus)
    DEFENSE: From Left CAT Stance (12:00) Shift Back into Right HORSE Stance (12:00) w/ Right IRON FOREARM Block
    Shift into Right BOW & ARROW Stance (12:00) w/ Left LEOPARD Strike (to Throat)

    ATTACK: Step into Left FORWARD Stance w/ Right PALM Strike (to Nose)
    DEFENSE: Left BOW & ARROW Stance (9:00) w/ Right REVERSE DRAGON Block
    Shift to Left CAT Stance (10:30) w/ Left SNAKE Strike (to Eyes)
    Twist to Right HOOK Stance (10:30) w/ Right FEMALE Punch (to Solar Plexus)

    ATTACK: Step into Right FORWARD Stance w/ Left LUNGE Punch (to Solar Plexus) DEFENSE: Left BACK Stance (12:00) w/ Left REVERSE DRAGON Block
    Left FORWARD Stance (12:00) w/ Right PALM Strike (to Solar Plexus)
    Right REVERSE CRECENT Kick (to Head)

    ATTACK: GRAB Right hand To Right wrist
    DEFENSE: Left CAT Stance (12:00) w/ Right CLAMP to EAGLE’S CLAW Block
    Left SIDE SNAP Kick (to Knee)
    Left FORWARD Stance (12:00) w/ PUSH

    ATTACK: Step into Left FORWARD Stance w/ Right CORKSCREW Punch (to Solar Plexus) 
    DEFENSE: Step Into Left FORWARD Stance (10:30) w/ Right KNIFEHAND Block (1:30)
    Shift To Right BOW And ARROW Stance (4:30) w/ Left LEOPARD Strike (1:30) (to Neck)
    Shift Right w/ Left SIDE THRUST (to Solar Plexus) (12:00) End In Left CAT STANCE (12:00)

    ATTACK: Step into Left FORWARD Stance w/ Right PALM Strike (to Solar Plexus)
    DEFENSE: Shift To Left CAT Stance(12:00) w/ Left SWORD Block
    Shift To Left FORWARD Stance (12:00) w/ Right FEMALE Punch (to Solar Plexus)
    Right FRONT SNAP Kick (to Groin) (12:00) End In Right FORWARD Stance (12:00)

    ATTACK: From Left FORWARD Stance step into Right FORWARD Stance w/ Right LONG RANGE FEMALE Punch (to Solar Plexus)
    DEFENSE: From Right FORWARD Stance(Ready Position)
    Right CAT Stance (12:00) w/ Right TRAP Block
    Right FRONT SNAP Kick (to Chest) - Step into Right FORWARD Stance w/ Left KNIFEHAND Strike (Down) (to Neck)

    ATTACK: From Right FORWARD Stance step into Left FORWARD Stance w/ Right FEMALE Punch (to Solar Plexus)
    DEFENSE: From Right CAT Stance (12:00) (Ready Position)
    Left HOOK Stance (12:00) w/ Left WING Block - Left BACKFIST Strike (to Temple
    Step into Right FORWARD Stance (12:00) w/ Right PALM Strike (to Chin)


    Blocking Set

    Attacking Set

    Kicking Set